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Select a carrier for training instructions, or continue scrolling for the full carrier list.
Complete the 3-step registration process to begin your training.
Click Continue to Step 1.
If you are active and have a login, you can complete the training in the Allianz Portal, in the “Knowledge Center” under the “Training Tracker” heading.
Training is also provided through RegEd. Please sign in to your RegEd account, or register for a new account, to access this Carrier’s training.
Training is available via the American Equity Training Portal if you are appointed and have an agent number.
If do not have a number or website access yet, access the training here.
Training provided through RegEd. Please sign in to your RegEd account, or register for a new account, to access this Carrier’s training.
Training is available via the American National Training Portal
Training is accessible through the Pre-Contracted Training Portal
No training required.
Training is taken during the electronic onboarding process.
Training provided through RegEd. Please sign in to your RegEd account, or register for a new account, to access this Carrier’s training.
Training is available on the Atlantic Coast Life Training Page.
Contact Atlantic Coast Life at 800-247-1423 if you have any questions or need assistance.
Training only required for the Generation Legacy annuity product.
Training provided through RegEd. Please sign in to your RegEd account, or register for a new account, to access this Carrier’s training.
No training required.
Training provided through RegEd. Please sign in to your RegEd account, or register for a new account, to access this Carrier’s training.
Training provided through RegEd. Please sign in to your RegEd account, or register for a new account, to access this Carrier’s training.
If taking training before appointed, use “lbl” (LBI, lowercase) as agent ID number, and “advisor” as password. Training link is in the lower left hand corner.
Use the Lincoln Financial Group Training Portal*
*You must use Microsoft Edge, Safari or Chrome as your browser when accessing this site.
Formerly Great American
Access product training via the Great American Training Portal*
*You must use Microsoft Edge, Safari or Chrome as your browser when accessing this site.
Accessible via the Nassau Training Portal
For additional training and information visit the Nassau Training Page
Training provided through Quest CE or RegEd. Please sign in to your RegEd account, or register for a new account, to access this Carrier’s training.
Training provided through RegEd. Please sign in to your RegEd account, or register for a new account, to access this Carrier’s training.
Training provided through RegEd. Please sign in to your RegEd account, or register for a new account, to access this Carrier’s training.
Training provided through RegEd. Please sign in to your RegEd account, or register for a new account, to access this Carrier’s training.
Training is taken when completing the contracting e-link.
Visit the One America Training Portal*
*You must use Microsoft Edge, Safari or Chrome as your browser when accessing this site.
Training is taken through the contracting packet when onboarding. An attestation form must be signed and submitted with the contract.
Training provided through RegEd. Please sign in to your RegEd account, or register for a new account, to access this Carrier’s training.
Training is taken on the website only after an agent is appointed. It is found under the “Marketing Resources & Tools” heading, then click on “Product and Concept Training”.
Training provided through RegEd. Please sign in to your RegEd account, or register for a new account, to access this Carrier’s training.
Training provided through RegEd. Please sign in to your RegEd account, or register for a new account, to access this Carrier’s training.
Training is available via the Royal Neighbors Training Page
Training provided through RegEd. Please sign in to your RegEd account, or register for a new account, to access this Carrier’s training.
Training provided through RegEd. Please sign in to your RegEd account, or register for a new account, to access this Carrier’s training.